March 31, 2015

The Dance, Busch Gardens Williamsburg, Virginia

Busch Gardens is open, which means dancing in traditional costumes, music, food, games, fireworks, and fantastic roller coasters. A new launch coaster, Tempesto, will open in the coming weeks.

March 30, 2015

Spring Gardening, Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia


Spring gardening begins at the Colonial Williamsburg nursery with an array of time period appropriate tools.

March 27, 2015

Spring Fashion, Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia

Just as the weather warms, dapper young couples stroll Duke of Gloucester Street in Colonial Williamsburg wearing the newest fashion.

March 26, 2015

Wren Chapel, College of William And Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia

The Wren Chapel, located in the Wren Building at the College of William & Mary is the site of many alumni weddings.

March 24, 2015

Pollinator Palace, Williamsburg Botanical Gardens, Williamsburg, Virginia

The "Pollinator Palace" at the Williamsburg Botanical Gardens at Freedom Park is ready for another year of providing a home for the bees, wasps and other insects that do not live in hives but are an important part of the garden process. It is made of palates, bricks, bamboo, bottles, sticks and just about anything that has a hole or can be drilled to make a home for an insect.

March 23, 2015

March 21, 2015

Waiting, Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia

The snow and cold are gone (we hope) and Spring is waking around us. Tulips and daffodils are pushing upward and the number of visitors to Colonial Williamsburg will increase like the foliage. The tradespeople are ready and waiting to expose all to the traditional colonial way of life.

March 20, 2015

Life Lessons, Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia

Spring is upon us with budding plants and thoughts of lush gardens, all of which require water. This young lady is learning how to draw water from the well. Looks like she brought a supply of buckets for this lesson.

March 19, 2015

Captain John Smith, Jamestown Island, Virginia

John Smith At Jamestown

Captain John Smith stands watch over the James River at the location of the original 1607 settlement.

March 17, 2015

Putting On The Irish, Busch Gardens Williamsburg, Virginia

Happy St. Patrick's Day! 

This photo is from the "Ireland" area in Busch Gardens a couple of years ago.

March 13, 2015

Courthouse, Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia


The Courthouse is a hub of activity in the historic district. Trials are held in which visitors act as judge and jury, while on the outside the stocks and pillory provide a great photo opportunity. At the end of the day, military drills and fife and drum presentations occur in the common area at the rear of the building.

March 12, 2015

Sheepish, Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia


Hmm.  Was it something we said or are you just a little sheepish around camera?

March 10, 2015

Bruton Parish Church At 300, Williamsburg, Virginia

Historic Bruton Parish Church has been in operation for 300 years, having been established in 1715. It continues as an active Episcopal Church and graciously opens its doors daily for public tours. Nearly all of the founding fathers from Virginia worshipped here while part of the Virginia legislature.

March 9, 2015

Colonial Rental, Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia

Colonial Williamsburg includes a wide variety of original and restored colonial era buildings. Some are used as public exhibits, others are offered to employees as residences, while some, like this are available to be rented by visitors who want to truly live the history.

March 8, 2015

USS Yorktown, Yorktown, Virginia

Our area is rich in history, most of which is painstakingly memorialized. At Yorktown's Riverwalk Landing is a series of plaques honoring people and historic events related to the area. This is for the USS Yorktown.

March 7, 2015

Coffee At The Market, Merchants Square, Williamsburg, Virginia

The Merchant Square Farmers' Market season is in full force today offering a variety of foods, gifts and other items for purchase. Given the cool temperatures, coffee is a must.

March 6, 2015

Snow Palace, Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia

The Governor's Palace is beautiful, even with the (hopefully) last snow of winter desperately clinging on. We are looking forward to more seasonable weather this week.

March 5, 2015

The Calm, Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia


Duke of Gloucester Street is calm and snow free after a warm day of about 70 yesterday. Overnight, rain began, temperatures dropped and, by this evening, this scene will one again be snowed covered.

March 3, 2015

1607 Atlantic World Map, Jamestown Settlement, Williamsburg, Virginia

Jamestown Settlement offers a variety of attractions; the fort, a Native American village, and replicas of the ships that brought the settlers in 1607. It also features a fantastic gallery. This map depicts the understanding of the lands in the New World at the time.

March 2, 2015

Summer Dreaming, Williamsburg, Virginia

Patience runs thin with the cold, snow and winter in general, pushing thoughts to warmer pleasures such as napping under a gnarled tree in the summer sun.

March 1, 2015

Robin Eating Berries In The Snow, Williamsburg, Virginia

We caught this chubby little fellow, along with many friends, eating the berries off our trees, despite the snow. We never saw robins flock like this before; counting thirty-five at once.