February 12, 2010

The Jamestown-Scotland Ferry, Williamsburg, Virginia

While it is a little cold right now to get outside of your car to enjoy the view the ferry provides, we enjoy taking the Jamestown-Scotland Ferry from Williamsburg to Surry across the beautiful James River year round.  We have many beautiful pictures and memories of this wonderful, free attraction in Williamsburg, Virginia.
These are just a few pictures of some of the ferries, we will post more later.


  1. yor photos are very interesting, but that last one is classic. So well done! I just love it. I have to go back and look again. Thank you so much for sharing it! ~karen

  2. Are those immature Forster's Terns? By the way, I love your header. It's postcard perfect. ~karen

  3. Free attraction! That's pretty cool. Those ferries are unusual looking with the way the top deck is elevated. I don't think I've ever seen a ferry like that! Hope you're enjoying the winter weather. Glad you stopped by my blog! I enjoy your visions of Williamsburg...

  4. I love ferry rides, but I'm sure it could be warmer. Great blue sky though, love the terns and gulls in the last one :)

  5. We love taking the free ferries in North Carolina. Didn't realize there were any in VA. Will visit that part of our state when it warms up a little.
