June 9, 2010

Zable Stadium at William and Mary College, Williamsburg Virginia

Zable Stadium at the College of William and Mary is a beautiful sports facility. Originally constructed in 1935, conspiracy theorists have claimed some slight of hand occurred in getting the funding. Sports facilities were not eligible for funding through the Public Works Administration and it has been suggested that the college disguised the construction as an agricultural exposition center to qualify for the grant. As a result of gifts exceeding $16 million dollars by he and his wife, Betty, the stadium was officially named "Walter J. Zable Stadium" in honor of the former track and football star during his time at William and Mary. 

The top photo is the stadium from the area nearest Alumni Hall.  The bottom photo is the field goal kicker practicing and hitting a twenty yarder.


  1. Wonderful pictures...Wishing you well! Cathy

  2. I think your living in a beautiful place!
    Fantastic pictures!
    Thanks for visiting me in my blog!
    Have a wonderful day!

  3. For more information about Zable Stadium and other William and Mary buildings and landmarks visit the Special Collections Research Center's Wiki: http://scrc.swem.wm.edu/wiki/index.php/Zable_Stadium.

  4. Practice makes perfect!

    (or at least as close as one can get to perfect)
