July 24, 2010

Beautiful Crepe Myrtle Trees at William and Mary College, Williamsburg, Virginia

Crepe Myrtle trees are a common sight in Williamsburg.  With their clusters of blossoms and smooth barked trunks, they are among our favorites. These trees are on the campus of the College of William and Mary.  The bottom photo shows two crepe myrtles backed by another of our favorites, a magnolia tree.


  1. beautiful trees. I also love the brickwork in that first photo! As always, thanks!

  2. So very lovely!!! What a beautiful day it is there! Cathy

  3. Thank you for your visit and your nice comment!
    i see that we are sharing love for beautyful pink flowers!What lovely views of your city!
    have a nice week-end!

  4. PS: I strolled on your blog ans saw a lot of beautyful benches. I'm a benches lover, and my other blog is only on benches. So, I'd like to congratulate you for all the pretty bench pictures you're showing on this blog. And your city seems really welcoming and beautyful!

  5. So pretty. I love that last shot.

  6. AnonymousJuly 24, 2010

    What a joy it must be living in such a nice environment ! Please have a great Sunday.

    daily athens

  7. Those trees are indeed colourful and beautiful. Thanks for visiting my blog. Hope you have a nice weekend.

  8. Beautiful flowers and place. Great shots.

  9. Beautiful area and I love Crepe Myrtle. This seems to be a wonderful summer for them everywhere I look.
