July 30, 2010

The Griffon, Busch Gardens, Williamsburg, Virginia

The Griffon is one of the favorite thrill rides and world class rollercoasters at Busch Gardens Williamsburg. As it reaches the top of the 210 foot drop, it pauses for a few seconds waiting for the near 90 degree plunge.  The folks above were caught in mid-pause.


  1. About 30 years ago, but not today!

  2. I thought a griffon was a lion with eagle's wings -- I'd guess the folk hear would scream rather than roar.

  3. Great pictures, but that ride is not for me!

  4. exciting and spectacular

  5. AnonymousJuly 30, 2010

    Great pictures indeed and shurely a challenge, which made me think, whether humankind is made fore such a thing.
    Please have you all a great start into the weekend.
    daily athens
