September 15, 2010

Clydesdales at Busch Gardens Williamsburg, Williamsburg, Virginia

Busch Gardens has new Clydesdales since its separation from Annheuser-Busch this year. The new horses are black and white.  Above, one looks longing at the pasture waiting for the sheep to finish their turn so he can get a little exercise.  Below, his stablemate takes a nap to bide his time.


  1. Beautiful horses....

  2. The first horse is beautiful, white only on his feet! I thought that horses slept standing up!

  3. Excellent photos and blgi is pretty complex. Again showed why it is said that photo says more than a thousand words, Thank you for this experience. Come and see the pictures Teuvo blog and leave a comment there. Thank you Teuvo Vehkalahti Suomi Finland

  4. Beautiful!!! I have linked your post to Adventure Tour Express! Your pictures are so grand!! Cathy

  5. What gorgeous horses. Love your music. Thanks for my Williamsburg "fix". One of my favorite spots -- my husband's best friend just moved there -- have a feeling we'll travel that way more often.

  6. Just popped over from Cathy's and was overjoyed at your header picture. I live in beautiful Bardstown Kentucky and I can identify with your feelings of pride in the beauty and history of our state. I loved back at some of your older posts and did so enjoy. Pop over for a visit in my neck of the woods. Blessings

  7. Beautiful horses! It's strange to see one lying down though as horses sleep standing up and very, very rarely lie on their sides. I rode horses for years and years and never, ever saw one lying on their side, they actually can't lie down for very long as it's not very good for them!

  8. I love Clydesdales! they are so huge and majestic looking

  9. wonderful horses and post!

    Warm Aloha from Honolulu

    Comfort Spiral

  10. those horse's photos are gorgeous.
