October 12, 2010

Crew Quarters Aboard Ship At Jamestown Settlement, Williamsburg, Virginia

One question that always comes up when you see the small size of the boats the settlers used to come to Jamestown in 1607, is where did everyone sleep?  This photo shows one of the sleeping quarters on board one of the replicas at the Jamestown Settlement.


  1. Well this isn't even a bed, it's just trunks put together! Couldn't they have provided them with even a proper cot? Seems that would have been cheaper than all these nice trunks!

  2. That "bed" doesn't look too comfortable either. Though it probably was a lot more comfortable than some had.

  3. That is a quick make-shift bed setup.. other times can be made as chairs !

  4. I'd fall off that for sure! Looks like a coffin to me, lol! This is my last visit from North Africa (Sadly!) I will be online in South Africa in about two days' time and blogging again. Blessings until we meet again, Jo

  5. The first time I visited Jamestown was on a class trip in the 4th grade back in the 60s. The size of the boats amazed me. Those people must have been tiny and the trip across the Atlantic very crowded.

  6. I sleep on a boat every night, but not like that!

    Warm Aloha from Waikiki

    Comfort Spiral

  7. Not too comfy of a bed frame! but a nice pic...

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