October 15, 2010

Rallying Suppport At The Capitol, Colonial Williamsburg, Williamsburg, Virginia

The fife and drum corps drew large crowds in front of the Capitol who were then exorted to join the cause and prepare to fight against the British. It still works today.

The Capitol was the political center of power in the colony and was the location where the legislature met. It included George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Patrick Henry among its members.  The royal trappings and British flag fly high above the crowd.

There is a webcam atop the building showing the eastern end of Duke of Gloucester Street. The link will also allow you access to other webcams in the restored colonial district. Maybe you will see us taking photos.


  1. Great pictures! I love the little gold crown on top of the spire.

  2. The force of the wind waving the flag was caught by you!!



    [Barcelona Daily Photo]

  3. I remember hearing the fife and drum corps in Williamsburg. It's hard to ignore and so was very effective in getting the attention of all around! I never knew about the webcam! I'll check it out! Linda

  4. If the pictures were taken Saturday, I was there - in that crowd. It was a beautiful day to be in Williamsburg!
