November 6, 2010

Bonnets and Hats In Colonial Williamsburg, Williamsburg, Virginia

One of the favorite purchases of visitors to Colonial Williamsburg, the restored capitol city of Virginia at the time of the American Revolution, is the bonnet for ladies and the tri-corner hat for men. Adorned with colorful ribbons, feathers and braids, they make quite the fashion statement. These are sold in the open air shop/tent near the courthouse on Duke of Gloucester Street along with a variety of other period appropriate items. It all adds to the authenticity of the visit.


  1. At least one of our daughters would want to wear a bonnet like that while touring around in Williamsburg!

  2. Beautiful! We loved visiting your wonderful town. When we were there I mentioned to Bill that I'd read a blog from somebody who lives here. We both thought we would love that.

    Your hats and bonnets are wonderfully pictured. So colorful.

  3. The bonnets and colorful ribbons make a beautiful photograph1

  4. Well captured natural and colourful images.

  5. What lovely bonnets, I would buy one of those is a heartbeat!
