November 23, 2010

Colonial House With Unique Entry, Colonial Williamsburg, Williamsburg, Virginia

This house is on the edge of the colonial district.  Its unique entry way/gazebo with leafy roof caught our attention.


  1. Hi Darryl and Ruth! Sorry I haven't stopped by in awhile. You know how life just gets in the way sometimes. But I've missed your extraordinary photos!! Another one well done. ~karen

  2. An extraordinary entrance indeed!
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!
    Gobble, gobble!

  3. That is one beautiful house. I love the intricate craftsmanship of the red fence.

  4. In terms of real estate, those are solid finds. Granted that they've been taken care of and the elements have not damaged them too much, it inner most value of those houses are worth their weight in gold.
