January 4, 2011

The Unicorn's Horn, Colonial Williamsburg, Williamsburg, Virginia

The Unicorn's Horn was the name of the shop owned by Dr. James Carter who was an apothecary, physician, and surgeon. He apparently chose the name as an advertising gimmick and because unicorn horn was used medicinally. Since it was so hard to find (as you can imagine) rhinocerous horn or narwhal tusks were often substituted in the recipe.


  1. Great find.

    A Very Happy New Year to you!

  2. What a nice unicorn horn. I just know that unicorn horn can be used as medicine. I wish unicorn really exist in real life. Happy new year. ^__^

  3. Always wanted to see one...! ;)

  4. Yeah, I hear those unicorns are extinct in the wild now! nice photo and caption! thanks...
