February 18, 2011

Living In Colonial Williamsburg, Williamsburg, Virginia

Colonial Williamsburg has hundreds of restored or reconstructed buildings on its 301 acre site. The sites are interpretted by costumed employees, like the one in the first photo. The second photo shows the house from which she exited.  Employees are often given the chance to rent the homes in the historic district that are not used for public exhibition.  This lady walked from this home, around the corner to the Greenhow Store, and right to work.


  1. How cool to live in one of the homes in the historic area!

  2. What a great job she has!

  3. I didn't know that! Do you know how updated the interior of these houses are?

  4. I would imagine they are held by the strictest of codes when upgrading the interior. These photos look as though they could have been taken during the colonial days! Very nice. ~karen
