February 27, 2011

Maid Service In Colonial Williamsburg, Williamsburg, Virginia

This historic house in Colonial Williamsburg is one that is rented to tourists.  The small sign to the left of the door makes that clear, but the maid service request is a dead give away.  Keeping with historical presentation, it requests cleaning in anticipation of a visit from Mr. Jefferson who later became President Jefferson.


  1. What a very neat house, with outbuildings to match.

  2. It would be a cool thing, I think, to overnight in that house.

  3. That sign is brilliant and the house is lovely, it must cost a pretty penny to rent though!

  4. Thanks for the picture. It's a beautiful house. I heard there are many historic williamsburg houses like this. I would love to live in one some day.

  5. I think it would be very nice to stay in this building... I'm going to check it out!
