February 7, 2011

Tomb of Thomas Nelson, Grace Episcopal Church, Yorktown, Virginia

This is the tomb of General Thomas Nelson, Jr. on the grounds of Grace Episcopal Church in Yorktown, Virginia.  It appears to have his family crest carved into it. Nelson was a signer of the Declaration of Independence.  To see photos of his home in Yorktown, click here.


  1. That's quiet interesting !

  2. Interesting photo, I was in Charlottesville last fall, sorry I didn't get over your way. It is a beautiful state.

  3. i'm hoping we get to yorktown this year!

  4. I always find cemeteries interesting! That Grace Episcopal Church sure has a longgg history! Nice to catch up on your blog this morning!

  5. Beautiful designs on the tombstone. Your cemetery photo is very nice also with the sun dappling in the background.
