November 15, 2011

Backyard Military Encampment, Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia

This is part of the military encampment near the Capitol in Colonial Williamsburg. It seems to invade the privacy of the houses nearby.


  1. howdy !

    big hello from texas !

    again and again very beautiful pictures in your blog. and what can i say: still without a trip to williamsburg :-(

    hope dies last...


  2. There is such clarity in this picture and the colors so vivid. I feel like a trespasser too! As always, beautiful! Cathy

  3. I wouldn't mind that lethal looking fence in my backyard as long as I could plant a few flowers on my side. : )

    With each visit to your blog I long to make another trip to Williamsburg. I so hope you'll share some of the wonderful holiday decorations from the colonial city.

    Have a wonderful day!

  4. That is not a fence I would want to try and climb over! I love the different colored houses though!

  5. Very nice photo!
    I'm not sure I understand what makes it an encampment though...
