November 29, 2011

Help Wanted At The King's Arms Tavern, Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia

This advertisement is posted at the King's Arms Tavern in Colonial Williamsburg. While we are sure it is meant as a prop, such a young man might still be hired.


  1. I just found your blog, and I am in love!! I love all things colonial!! I would love to come visit Williamsburg! I like to stay in places with lots of history,, do you know of a good place to stay? Oh, and your pictures and your music is beautiful!!

  2. Such a man could have gone far in days of be able to read and write and keep the books plus be a people friendly barkeep...excellent!

  3. great !

    please have a good wednesday you all.

    daily athens photo

  4. I love that ad! Maybe it's because of the last name. the "llett" at the end is the same as mine. Based on that part of his surname, he was most likely a Huguenot who fled to England after being persecuted in France. Ironically, he may have later fled to America!
    Or not!
