November 7, 2011

Yorktown Windmill, Yorktown, Virginia

The Yorktown Windmill Project recently realized its goal as the windmill was installed next to the Waterman's Museum in Yorktown. Although it is based on William Buckners' windmill built in 1711 to grind flour. It was not possible to place it high on the bluff where the original stood, but its placement here will make it accessible and allow visitors to see the workings of an operating mill.


  1. I like windmills! Very nice photo!
    Have a nice day!

  2. A lovely little mill

    Have a good day

  3. Isn't it a lovely building?! It really stands out in all it's "best bib and tucker." What a beautiful fall day! Cathy

  4. I love windmills! Beautifully captured! :D
