April 25, 2010

Archaeological Dig at Historic Jamestown Island, Williamsburg, Virginia

Archaeological digs continue at Historic Jamestown Island at the site of the original fort constructed in 1607 which, despite many hardships, became the first permanent English settlement in North America. The stockade represenst the location and style of the original barricade walls.  The dig area is inside the fort where the first settlers lived. The dig season is about to begin again.


  1. Oooh, I'd love to participate in a dig. Do they ever let civilians work the dig? Even paying for the privilege? Lucky you that you can stop by and watch the progress.

  2. Keep us posted. I am truly interested in the progress! Cathy

  3. There's a hole in the ground! Good thing it's a planned one, eh?

  4. Oh, I think we stopped and talked to the archeologists there a while back. They showed us some oyster shells that were enormous...nothing like what we see today. It was fascinating.
