April 18, 2010

Fife and Drum corps at Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia

The Fife & Drum groups in Colonial Williamsburg are an integral part of the colonial experience for tourist. In this photo, they are leading new "recruits" to the parade ground behind the courthouse for an inspirational speech by the Marquis de Lafayette.


  1. Many times my family and I would stop and watch
    the corps march by on Duke of Gloucester Street.
    I'm gonna dig up a pic of me at the Apothecary and send it to you. You will get a kick out of it!

  2. Very nice photo and piece of history.
    It sure attracts many tourists eyes.

  3. They look very colourful and regal in their uniforms. Valerie

  4. What an awesome marching group! And we can really image the scene with the great colonial music which plays on your blog! Is it 1776 now?

  5. Beautiful scene!
    I like it!

  6. The uniforms certainly are handsome and colourful! They look awesome marching in formation.

    Are the uniforms made of wool? I bet they are hot to wear in summer.

  7. Smart and handsome uniform they have there. :-) Wonder what songs do they play usually in Fife and Drum crops.

  8. I am pleased to have discovered and to follow your blog as a result of your following my blog. I love Williamsburg and have been there several times.

    I have a book that shows photos of Williamsburg before and after the restoration projects financed by the Rockefeller Foundation. It is remarkable what has been accomplished to preserve history and make it come alive.

  9. They look great! It must be wonderful experiencing them firsthand.

  10. I can hear the music. Great shot.
