April 30, 2010

Lafayette Rallying The Troops, Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia

In one of many historical reenactments, Major General, the Marquis de Lafayette rallies the troops on the courthouse green in Colonial Williamsburg. Lafayette was a key player in the American victory over the British, particularly at nearby Yorktown.


  1. The trenches on the battlefield at Yorktown are haunting. Man, you can almost hear the musket balls whirring by your head. It made a big impression on me as a child, and a huge one on me as an adult.

  2. How I would like to visit your Colonial Williamsburg, but first after "seeing" my oldest big brother in Texas, living 39 years in USA :-D

  3. I love the expression on his face! There are quite a few things named after the Marquis de Lafayette here in Tallahassee because he was awarded a land grant in this area by Congress in appreciation for his efforts during the war. He never actually visited, but did try unsuccessfully to form a colony. Most of his people moved away except for a few that lived in an area near downtown that is still called Frenchtown to this day.
