May 7, 2010

Carriage rides on Duke of Gloucester Street, Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia

Some visitors to Colonial Williamsburg join in the fun and wear full, time period appropriate costumes.  This group is getting ready for an open carriage ride around the historic district, which is about one mile long and one-half mile wide. The "coaches," as they are known have been providing rides since 1947.


  1. What a colourful, pretty and very old carriage.Is it only for tourist?

  2. They are pretty, but I would think they would get a little hot in the summer.

  3. I would so be into that. A relaxing ride in period attire. Oh yeah.

  4. I'd paid big money to dress up with my wife and 3 daughters and ride around Williamsburg in a carriage! Fun! Charming!
