May 13, 2010

Chownings Tavern Sign, Colonial Williamsburg, Williamsburg, Virginia

This is a large silver cup advertising Chownings Tavern in Colonial Williamsburg. On a hot summer day in Virginia, it is quite enticing. Chownings was established in 1766 and catered to the "ordinary sort" of citizen. The tavern continues to serve tasty fare and beverages, along with colonial entertainment, on Duke of Gloucester Street.


  1. Looking down DOGS toward the Capitol, she would be on the left, just past the Bowling Green if I remember correctly. Brunswick Stew, originally made with squirrel, but now with chicken. Go a little further and you used to smell gingerbread. And then the Apothecary.

  2. If their beer is this golden, I'd love to try it! ;)

  3. that's beautiful!!
    I love the arch of the lamp arm against the tree background
