May 29, 2010

Costumed Visitor at Colonial Williamsburg, Williamsburg, Virginia

Tourists really get into visiting Colonial Williamsburg. Many make their own or rent costumes from Colonial Williamsburg's costume shop.  This young lady and her bunny were clearly ready for a day in the burg where it's almost always 1774.


  1. An adorable image!The bunny in pocket just too precious!

  2. What a great picture. i have always wanted to visit there. Someday I know I will. And, now I know to show up in costume.

  3. This is a beautiful photo, I would get right into it and wear a costume too!

  4. Beautiful, I had to look twice, the bunny looks real! Wonderfully different angle!

  5. AnonymousMay 29, 2010

    She is just absolutely the sweetest thing. Great shot Have not visited your area of the state in the 2 1/2 years we have lived here... MUST make a point of doing that soon.


  6. Fascinating! I have never visited Virginia so thanks for creating such a vivid and refreshing sense of Williamsburg history.

  7. That could be my granddaughter, especially with h a bunny in the pocket. What an amazing part of the world you live in. I'm off to see if I can follow this blog.

  8. Great photo. It makes me want to visit in costume, although I'll wait for cooler weather.

  9. Lovely photo! I am so glad I came over! I would hope you would stop by and join my postcard exchange! I love meeting new bloggers and you two take some superb pics! Thanks Anne

  10. I have enjoyed your photos of living history, and this is one of my favoritres. The girl looks adorable!
    PS congratulations on the award!

  11. Sweetness personified!! What fun for this young lady!
