May 20, 2010

Drummers Call Weekend, Colonial Williamsburg, Williamsburg, Virginia - Photo 1 of 6

Colonial Williamsburg hosted the "Drummers Call" last weekend. This was a gathering of fife and drum corps from across the United States and Canada.  Here, a trio of fifers relax and wander down Duke of Gloucester Street where similarly talented musicians walked more than 200 years ago. 

This is photo one in a series of six.


  1. magnífico!!! gracias por compartir.
    un abrazo.

  2. There were fife and drums at the White House this morning to welcome the President of Mexico and his wife. Did they participate in the "Drummers' Call" last weekend? When I saw them on tv, I immediately thought of you two and this great blog!

  3. How shabby the folk in the background look in comparison.

  4. Nice looking costumes!

  5. Great shot and great weekend. A city full of music! It must be fantastic.

  6. the more I look at your great photos, the more I'm convinced that I need to get back there again soon!
