June 1, 2010

Christiana Campbell's Tavern, Colonial Williamsburg, Williamsburg, Virginia

Christiana Campbell's Tavern is one of several in Colonial Williamsburg. The seafood is terrific and the ambiance purely colonial.  Campbell's was said to be George Washington's favorite place to eat. In colonial times, taverns not only provided food and drink but let rooms also.

This picture was taken this spring before the trees filled in. 


  1. I really like that porch on the front!

  2. Great photo and interesting about "George Washington's favorite place to eat."!

  3. It must look even better now that the trees are filled out.

  4. Such amazing jobs you both do on your photographs...
    I feel like I'm there!
    Thanks for stopping by... loved having you!
    Forgot to mention in my first visit,
    C.S. Lewis = an obsession of mine for years...
    He passed the same time Kennedy was assinated and I never realized it at the time (ninth grade)Jr. High school.
    I would have loved to have met him and picked his brain on so many things.
    I think I've read every work of his and most anything anyone else has written about him.
    I love his apoligetics approach to Christianity...
    Have a wonderful day!
    xoxo~Kathy @
    Sweet Up-North Mornings...
