June 13, 2010

First Baptist Church, Williamsburg, Virginia

The First Baptist Church is the culmination of efforts by slaves and free blacks who wanted to worship outside Bruton Parish church, which was segregated.  After meeting in secret at various locations, it was organized and began meeting in a carriage house in 1776.  It has been at this location since 1956


  1. Such a beautiful church. You have framed it so beautifully.

  2. I love visiting your blog. Is this place of worship open to all now? Have a wonderful day.

  3. I thought the building looked too new to be part of the original colony.

  4. Churches are so fun to photograph. Since I have been in the Midwest these past few weeks I have had the opportunity to see so many, and it's something I miss seeing where I live now as most churches in the outlying areas of the city are conducted in schools. I grew up in a Baptist church and got married there.

    Thanks for stopping by the blog today. Have a pleasant Sunday!

  5. My son has been to Williamsburg. He did a three month school exchange with Norfolk Academy and one day they spent the whole day in Willaimsburg and went to a living museum. So your blog is most interesting for me now.

  6. What a history, sad yet full of dignity and determination. Fitting for a simple yet elegant church.

  7. What a lovely church!

  8. Although built in the mid 20th Century, they did a nice job of making this church so colonial in style.

  9. what a delightful blog; I visited the historic town back in 1971...I still have a pewter ink well and quill pen from there; kind regards, Charles

  10. Very well written blog!!
