June 11, 2010

Quadricentennial Plaza, Jamestown Settlment, Williamsburg, Virginia

Quadricentennial Plaza is a tribute to the 400th anniversary of the founding of Jamestown in 1607.  It includes a fountain fashioned as a boat and flags around the plaza representing the 50 states. Each flagpole includes a plaque with information about the state.

Jamestown Settlement is a reproduction of the original fort, an indian village representing the natives present at the time, and reproductions of the three ships that brought the settlers to Jamestown.  The site also includes an fantastic gallery with artworks and exhibits. Jamestown is the first permanent English settlement in what is now the U.S.A.

The celebration in 2007 included the dedication of this plaza as the new entry way to the settlement and visits by dignitaries including President Bush and the Queen Elizabeth II.  A newsletter with photos and descriptions can be found here.


  1. I can see the Florida flag there on the right! I really like that fountain.

  2. No wonder I don't recall seeing all those flags before. That entranceway was building since I was in Williamsburg last. Looks great though!
