June 4, 2010

Williamsburg General Store, Williamsburg, Virginia

The  Williamsburg General Store is a fun place to visit for tourists and locals alike.  You can shop for souvenirs and unique gifts or enjoy the old-fashioned ice cream parlor at the rear.  Many folks like to sit on the wrap around porch, which is fully stocked with Adirondack chairs, and enjoy a Haagen-Dazs ice cream sundae; we certainly do.


  1. Oh that looks so restful. Have a wonderful weekend in your beautiful town.

  2. It does look like a friendly place. Mmmm. Did you say ice cream?

  3. I would love to wander around in there for awhile!

  4. AnonymousJune 04, 2010

    What an alluring place to spent time, especially as it has been weeks since last I had ice cream.
    Impressive as well to see such a beautiful building, from here. Please have you all a nice start into the weekend.

    daily athens

  5. General stores are wonderful places... such great atmospheres in them.
