July 22, 2010

Colonial Gaoler, Colonial Williamsburg, Williamsburg, Virginia

The gaoler, along with his family, was responsible for prisoners waiting trial. His wife was expected to feed the prisoners and the children helped to clean and maintain the facility; all as part of the husband's salary.

Those housed here were normally waiting trial, whipping or other physical punishment, or to be put to death. A variety of shackles and restraining devices can be seen hanging behind him.

The gaol at Colonial Williamsburg was used in the filming of the movie "John Adams."


  1. What a fascinating blog! I can't wait to come back. I'm so tickled I found you on another homeschooling mother's blog page.

  2. This is an interesting part of history I did not know! I learn so much by visiting here! Cathy

  3. Very interesting! I'm catching up on your blog. You live in such a fascinating place and your posts really help bring it to life. Thanks for your visit to mine!

  4. Nice blog. Thanks for finding mine :)

    Aloha from Waikiki

    Comfort Spiral

  5. loved the John Adams movie...much easier for me than reading books...so miss Williamsburg and all the peanut foods! I must get back there again soon!!
