July 17, 2010

Eagle, Jack Hannah Reserve, Busch Gardens, Williamsburg, Virginia

Busch Gardens has a long history of wildlife conservation at its Williamsburg and Tampa locations.  Here, one of the eagles in the Jack Hanna Wild Reserve in Williamsburg posed ever so nicely.  The eagles on Eagle Ridge are all injured and, therefore, unable to fend for themselves in the wild. They are provided a very nice living environment and provide an exciting up close experience to kids of all ages..


  1. That is a wonderful capture, you got a good close shot.

  2. That's heartening to know. I have been watching an eagle family from my property for the last 8 years. They are so awesome. I'm glad to know there are places out there for them when they are injured and that people who may not ever see one in the wild can have the opportunity. ~karen

  3. a beautiful photo of a majestic creature...

  4. Great photograph of a beautiful bird.
