July 6, 2010

Escape from the Heat, Colonial Williamsburg, Williamsburg, Virginia

While wandering one of the backstreets of Colonial Williamsburg, we came across this man sleeping on a bench in the shade of a tree.  We are in the midst of some extraordinarily hot days at or about 100 F and had repeated warnings about heat induced illness.  So, when this guy didn't move, we began to take photos from a distance using a zoom lense so we could get a close look without startling or embarassing him. Eventually, he awoke, checked his watch, and repositioned himself, and went back to his nap.  We thought the intrigue he created deserved a spot on our blog.  What a great way to escape the heat and humidity.


  1. Ciao Darryl and Ruth,today in my city are 34 °, I understand the man who seeks a little refreshment under a tree, I would also io.AH Ah, ah!

  2. Once I was sleeping under the tree and that's very cozy. I can imagine this old man must be in very deep sleep.

  3. Indeed, stay cool! Enjoyed the picture and it's humorous note. Cathy

  4. AnonymousJuly 06, 2010

    We also had several very hot days here on Lolland, so shadow chased by most people - or they choose to go to the beach!
    Wonderful photo ;-)

  5. .

    . lovely and fantastic .

    . thanks a lot for the sunshine .

    . best regards .


  6. what a fun image! good eye. I am glad you are enjoying the Sedona photos on my website.

  7. After a few days of cooler (for us) weather, I think that heat is headed our way!

  8. AnonymousJuly 06, 2010

    It is very hot and humid in Toronto too..
    Great picture! Very nice!!

  9. Glad he wasn't dead!! It sounds too hot for me.

  10. AnonymousJuly 06, 2010

    What a great place it must be, where time and life is as such peace. With summer still in the beginning such temperatures may remain for the next few weeks over here. A great Wednesday for you.

    daily athens

  11. Sign me up for a nap on the bench!

  12. AnonymousJuly 06, 2010

    It looks like he found the best shade for his afternoon nap!

  13. I'm always impressed with those folks who can grab a nap wherever they lay their heads.

  14. A chicken salad sandwich, a cool drink, and that bench, and I'd be just right...

  15. this proves it.......men can sleep anywhere!! lol
