July 28, 2010

Fiddling On Duke of Gloucester Street, Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia

Colonial Williamsburg hires folks to make certain that people entering the exhibits have purchased passes. In keeping with the time period, they are dressed in colonial garb and often do things their colonial counterparts would have done.  This gentleman played the fiddle as he checked visitors going to visit the blacksmith shop. The fellow in the second picture apparently had suggestions about his technique.


  1. Love the costume and the feel of history!

  2. They certainly seem to be having a good time!

  3. Wonderful shots! If I could play the violin, I would love to have his job!

  4. AnonymousJuly 28, 2010

    Must be a great memory for him as well, being able/allowed to play at such a sight. Please have a good Thursday.

    daily athens

  5. It must be an interesting place to work surrounded by history. When I worked at Christ Church in Cooperstown, NY, I walked by James Fenimore Coopers' grave every day. It puts you in touch with past times.

  6. But does he play Charlie Daniels?
    great photos...
