August 1, 2010

Charlton's Coffeehouse, Williamsburg, Virginia

 R. Charlton's Coffeehouse is the newest addition to the Colonial Williamsburg museum family. Coffee houses are not contemporary businesses; they were present and important in colonial times. Williamsburg hosted several, although apparently never more than one at a time.

Jefferson and Washington each wrote about visiting a coffe house in Williamsburg during their time in the House of Burgesses and during which Mr. Charlton was in business.  There is also historical evidence of a angry crowd following the stamp distributor to the coffee house  as part of the discord over the Stamp Act.


  1. Interesting about the history of coffee houses in Williamsburg. I hope they are serving Costa Rican coffee.

  2. Charming sign and I love the lamp post too!

  3. A great looking building and sign.
    nice photos, as always!
