August 19, 2010

Horses Hiding From The Heat in Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia

This team of carriage horses seemed to appreciate a respite under the shade of a tree on Duke of Gloucester Street in Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia.


  1. Great shot, I feel sorry for the poor horses having to work out in this heat.

  2. Oh !!!!!!!!! How I meet on the streets of my city of horses like these photos, but cars, cars and even cars.SIG! SIG! SIG!

  3. It has been so hot here that even it the shade it is not cool. I hope these hardworking horses were cool! Grand picture! Cathy

  4. Great shot, it looks like it's out of another era. I can imagine the heat there in the summer, I hope they take good care of those horses.

  5. It was so hot here in Montreal a few days this summer that they didn't even take the carriages and horses out! There isn't enough shade for them in Old Montreal and it was just too steamy for them to be hauling the tourists around in any case!

  6. My husband was Navy and when he was gone to sea I would often head over to Williamsburg. I learned to such and really did enjoy the gardens as well.

  7. Nice photo! glad to see the horses getting a union break...

  8. Wow! Excellent shot...Can I have a ride? hehehe just kidding...

  9. Just followed you...hope you'll follow mine also..Thanks!

  10. My SIL works with the horses -- down at the stables ....not with the carriages -- however he does everything else.

  11. it must be hard for them in the heat

  12. I agree completely..
