August 29, 2010

Ivy Covered Patio in Colonial Williamsburg, Williamsburg, Virginia

This ivy covered patio is at the rear of the Wythe House in Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia.  Besides being beautiful, it provides an incredible shelter from the summer heat and a beautiful view of backyard and house.


  1. Beautiful cool patio. Beautifully kept garden.
    Have a great Sunday.

  2. I bet people fight over that bench! Looks like a perfect spot to sit and chat :D

  3. Really green and refreshing -- looks like something out of an F Scott Fitzgerald novel.

  4. A covered patio would be wonderful to have, IF my garden was just half as beautiful ;-)

  5. Oh! I want to take a stroll there right now. You've made it so inviting in the warm sun.

  6. Really adore the bench photo. Well done!

    Houston Daily Photo

  7. These photos are just breathtaking!!! So, so beautiful.

    I love the soft but contrast of the crepe myrtle trees along the walkway...and the quite, secluded park bench within reach...awesome.

    Ps...the word verification is 'hootall' don't know how difficult that was for me to NOT type hootinanni. LOLOLOL

  8. I just love the ivy covered patio. What a pretty spot. Beautiful photos.

  9. Wow This first shot is magnificent, beautiful Monet idea! :)
    Wonderful pictures!

  10. It is absolutely gorgeous! I have only ever imagined of living in a home like this.

  11. You all are so fortunate to live in that gorgeous area. Beautiful pictures of the Wythe House grounds. My hubby were there (W-burg, Jamestown, Yorktown) in 2007 ---and loved it. IF we lived there, we would want to be volunteers in costume in Colonial Williamsburg. That would be so much fun!!

    I have relatives in that area (Ballard)... My 8 Great Grandfather Thomas Ballard has his name on a pew at Bruton Parish --and he's buried on their grounds.

    My 6 Great Grandfather has a house in Yorktown (Ballard House). His name was Capt. John Ballard.

    SO--that entire area is special to me. I'm so glad to have met you two.


  12. Wow truly gorgeous!
    Thank you for sharing.
    Have a lovely day.

  13. Both photos are absolutely beautiful!

  14. Gorgeous. Williamsburg seems to be a truly exceptional place from the lovely shots on your blog. Keep up the good work guys.

  15. Hi Darryl and Ruth, and thanks for commenting on my blog. I have signed on to follow you, as well. Your header is just stunning! And this first picture looks like a painting. In fact, I am loving all of your photos as I scroll through your blog! Well, it will be so exciting to follow you, here's one reason. We live less than three hours away! We live in The Blue Ridge Mountains in the Shennandoah Valley. I have been to Williamsburg only once, when I was a young newly married woman. I like to know a bit about my followers, so please feel free to e-mail me, my address is on my profile. How long have you been living in Williamsburg and blogging, and do you both work?

  16. This looks an idyllic spot. I love those carefully sculpted shrubs. Immaculate garden. Wish it was mine!

  17. I'm so delighted to find your blog. We are headed to your area -- currently we're in Charlottesville and then we will go to the National Park. We're so happy to have time to spend in beautiful Virginia. This is our first road trip here. We actually visited your area many years ago, but came by plane and stayed in a hotel. I'm looking forward to seeing it again -- and taking some pictures! Thanks for sharing yours --

  18. Thanks for commenting on my post and I sure am enjoying your gorgeous photos!!! I'll be a regular from now on!!!

  19. How alluring a sight. Great pictures indeed. Please have you all a good new week.

    daily athens

  20. Such a beautiful place! Reminds me of the gardens in Salzburg, Austria

  21. Wow, I love the place. Great photos.

    Have a great week.

  22. oh my goodness... those are the lone bench. I could sit on it for hours just reading a book.

  23. What beautiful gardens. The patio is wonderful - very inviting.

  24. I have a favorite photo with my husband and children walking ahead of me here.
    Thanks for the memories.

    Becky K.
    Hospitality Lane

  25. What a nice cool place on a hot, muggy day...
    nice photos!
