August 3, 2010

Presidents Park, Williamsburg, Virginia

Presidents Park is a unique historical experience.  It is an outdoor walk through museum filled with busts of all of the presidents, except the current, that are eighteen feet tall.  A brief outline of the historically significant events while each was in office is provided. Inside the building is a replica of the Oval Office, a First Ladies exhibit and more.  The park can be a little eerie as you drive by on a foggy evening as the heads are visible through the shroud of fog.  It would be a great ghost tour time!


  1. Sounds like a neat place to visit.

  2. I would enjoy that place!

  3. It must be an amazing sight to see all of those busts of the presidents.

  4. It would take me all day just to walk through that park. Sounds very interesting.

  5. I don't remember that one. Probably pretty interesting though.

  6. I would love to visit this museum. It's one that I am unfamiliar with in Williamsburg. Thanks for sharing.
