August 14, 2010

The Publick Gaol (Jail) Interior, Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia

The Publick Gaol (jail) at Colonial Williamsburg is an impressive structure, though not very large.  Above, the courtyard between the four cells and the front wall is presented.  Below, is the interior of a cell with its heavily barred windows and toilet facilities in the corner.  On a hot, humid Virginia Summer day, it certainly would not have been the place to be. Among the celebrated "guests" at the gaol were some of Blackbeard's crew.


  1. Beautiful and impressive old building.

  2. I love, love, love your blog!I am such a history nut and love all the old architecture. I want to visit Williamsburg and seeing your blog really makes me want to go. Thank you for sharing such beautiful photos of your town.

    Amanda in Alabama

  3. Like Amanda I would like to visit Williamsburg - seeing all your great photos makes me an eyewitness to a very special "city"!

  4. A beautiful view I would only want to see from the outside looking in. I can't imagine living in there.

  5. It's a beautiful building and another one that we didn't see during our visit to Williamsburg.

  6. Great photos. You live in a beautiful place with lots of things to see. Thank you for sharing.

  7. Great photo! I love the history of this place and your job...
