August 8, 2010

Store Room at Jamestown Settlement, Williamsburg, Virginia

The settlers at Jamestown were looking for products to send back to England for sale. In this room they stored their goods in barrels, and tobacco - the crop that really made them profitable - hanging from the ceiling.


  1. this is a great shot!
    makes me wonder about preservation and the kinds of things they sent back - on those tiny boats in the huge ocean!

  2. Love this picture and how you captured every staple. I was lucky enough to visit Williamsburg, Jamestown and Yorktown back in 1999 and I absolutely loved it! Now I can see more of what I missed and reminisce while following your fantastic blog!

  3. One of my favorites! I wonder how this would look in black and white?

  4. What a joy it must be for the senses to meet time. Please have you all a great start into the new week.

  5. Fabulous colors and textures in this room and your photo!

    Aren't you glad we no longer have to store so much in our homes nowadays?
