September 18, 2010

Pottery Maker at Busch Gardens Williamsburg, Williamsburg, Virginia

Gunther makes beautiful pottery and entertains everyone in New France at Busch Gardens Williamsburg. This little guy was quite inquisitive about the process and talked through the making of a couple of pieces. The second photo shows some of the finished product. 


  1. awesome. i will surely enjoy watching pottery making there. those finished products are gorgeous.

  2. Always interesting to watch and I love the products.

  3. Watching a potter at his wheel is always fascinating. It looks so easy but it takes great skill to produce the items he has made.

  4. I love the look of wonder on the little boy's face, as he watches the potter at his wheel.

  5. We love pottery and it's always fun to watch potters create their masterpieces!

  6. This is my favorite post so far! I love the amazement and curiosity on the little boy's face as he watches, you caught it all!

  7. Watching a potter work is so fascinating! I have a friend who does this and it's truly amazing to see what someone with skill can create. Neat photos.

  8. How very beautiful a sight. Life felt better again. Please have a good Sunday you all.

    daily athens

  9. Very nice finished products. I always love to visit pottery making place but I haven't got the chance. Great photos.

  10. It is interesting to watch a potter doing his thing. The fiished pieces are pretty, some of my favorite colors.
