October 3, 2010

Border Collies at Busch Gardens Williamsburg, Williamsburg, Virginia

These Border Collies, Mollie and Katie, are new to the Highland Stables in the Scotland area of Busch Gardens Williamsburg.  They continue the black and white trend of the new Clydesdales and the Black-Faced Scottish Sheep we previously posted.   It's hard to get a photo of the pups that isn't a blur as they don't stand still long.  They have been learning to herd the sheep much to the pleasure of visitors.


  1. It doesn't take much learning, either. These dogs are intense and will herd anything that comes their way.

  2. Beautiful pups! These dogs will herd anything - ducks, children . . . the instincts are very strong.

  3. They are beautiful dogs. Have a great Sunday!

  4. Border collie is a lovely and clever dog.

    Have a nice day.

  5. These are great farm dogs in New Zealand, we hae a famous cartoon strip, and they have Wal and the dog.

  6. I have one and she is a joy!!! She herds our cats and deer!
