October 26, 2010

Colonial City Horses, Colonial Williamsburg, Williamsburg, Virginia

This pasture is home to some of the horses who earn their keep in Colonial Williamsburg. They get as much attention grazing as they do escorting carriages down Duke of Gloucester Street.  They are so used to visitors that they will often stop grazing and walk to anyone who stands by the fence to offer them grass by hand.


  1. Wonderful shot! You;re really making me homesick, lady!

  2. I would love to hand feed them some grass. Such a beautiful sight in front of that wonderful home!

  3. Pleasant and comfortable picture !

  4. beautiful shot...I love horses.Their eyes are always so eloquent:)
    Hav a great week ahead.

  5. This is just like a photo from a film location.....
    Just BEAUTIFUL!:)

  6. Your area's architecture is so very similar to my hometown's...we live in the Western Reserve area of Ohio & have many historical buildings such as these.

    LOVE your music choices, too as well as those fall foliage shots across the water!!!

  7. I bet those sweeties would love a peppermint stick. :) As many times as I have been to Wmsburg. you are showing me scenes I have never seen before. xo

  8. What a lovely shot! I would gladly bring them carrots every day if I lived close by :o)

  9. The horses are so pretty! I just met someone who went to college in Williamsburg. Ended up telling them all about your blog ;-)

  10. What a serene scene. Thanks for sharing. Blessings from Jo
