October 14, 2010

Monument and Cannon Display at Yorktown, Virginia

Yorktown is home to the Yorktown Victory Center, a state museum, and the Yorktown Battlefield, a federal site, teaching the history of the event and honoring those men who fought the battle that forced Cornwallis to surrender, effectively ending the American Revolution. This monument, with its adjacent cannons, overlooks the York River from high atop an embankment.  The monument is a tribute to the French soldiers and sailors who joined with the Americans in the effort. The left half of the monument is in French; the right in English.


  1. They have built it in a beautiful place. Strange, all these war memorials, and they are in such a peaceful and beautiful place.

  2. Beautiful monument and old canons.
    have a great day.

  3. How pretty this is -- there used to be a home here in Hanover county that had a big canon in the front yard, I wasn't thinking that was very "welcoming".

  4. Some heroes in that wall, but there are more heros in real life.



    [Barcelona Daily Photo]

  5. This shot brings on a bit of nostalgia with me. One of the first photos taken of me and my then future wife was shot on the Yorktown battlefield. We're both history buffs and spent every free day touring the historic sites in and around Tidewater.

  6. It looks like such a beautiful, peaceful place, ideal for a moument!

  7. ever since I started following your blog I've been looking for the hundreds of photos I took of this and other parts of the mid-atlantic area. We went to so many battle grounds. As of yet, I've found nothing....so sad!
