November 15, 2010

John Blair House and Kitchen, Colonial Williamsburg, Williamsburg, Virginia

The John Blair House (left) and kitchen (right) are adjacent to a large pasture area near the College of William and Mary on Duke of Gloucester Street. Kitchens were often separated from the main house to avoid fires and also to avoid additional heat in warm Virginia summers. Blair was a legislator, lawyer and a member of the original U.S. Supreme Court, being nominated by George Washington.

The great detail and research associated with the restoration and maintenance of Colonial Williamsburg can be found in the report of the restoration of this home by clicking here.


  1. Some of the designs of Older Chinese Houses also have similar concept of the Kitchen separated from the main house ... to avoid fire and also the cooking smell and smokes (from wood fire) into the living area !
    Beautiful photography to illustrate that design !

  2. Thanks to make me travel in Virginia!

  3. Not sure if it is the Holidays approaching and the fact that I am so glad to be staying home this year and having family here - but I think about the meals that must have been prepared there and in that time of history - how different life is today -

    priorities have changed so much ... for so many ...
    ah to return to the simpler times - but alas ... they were not so simple ... where they?

  4. It's amazing how some of these places are created and/or maintained. beautiful...
