November 19, 2010

Oversized Birdhouse, Colonial Williamsburg, Williamsburg, Virginia

This huge birdhouse is in the rear of the Wythe House in Colonial Williamsburg.  Wythe was a lawyer, the nations first law professor, and an extraordinarily prominent man in colonial times.

For additional photos of the Wythe house, click here and here.


  1. This is amazing, I've never seen anything this big before. There must be great fights for sleeping accommodation in here !!

  2. Wow! that is awesome...
    We could use something like that in our back yard. So many birds here and I'm tired of cleaning up our patio from the mess of all their overhead nests....
    I do love having the birds around though.

  3. I've never seen a birdhouse this big, it's a bird condo! :-)

  4. Maybe he didn't want his birds in the bush LOL.. Good post

  5. So I am curious about this bird house. Is each little entrance a little room to itself - or is it one huge empty space inside - perhaps with perches?
    It is really interesting.
    Such a beautiful home - wish there were photos of the inside.

  6. Birdie Condo! awesome!
