January 14, 2011

Yorktown Victory Center, Yorktown, Virginia

The Yorktown Victory Center is the state owned and operated museum commemorating Washington's defeat of Cornwallis at Yorktown which led to the end of the Revolutionary War. There are a variety of exhibits inside while outside they do exhibitions on how to load and fire muskets and depict typical life at the time of the revolution on a small farm.

The battlefield is also maintained and presented in museum fashion nearby.


  1. Beautiful places with plenty of history.

  2. Wonderful pictures. I was just complaining to myself how cold I am and ow I wish it was warmer when I say the picture of the house. No more complaints from me...Oh how cold it must have been in there! Wishing you a warm and cozy weekend! Cathy

  3. My wife and I are both history buffs and visited here often. As a matter of fact one of the first photos of the two of us (way back in the early 80s) was made on the battlefield with a cannon as a backdrop!
