February 26, 2011
Flat Stanley Meets The Publisher, Colonial Williamsburg, Williamsburg, Virginia
This gentleman, who identified himself as the printer and publisher of the Virginia Gazette, took some time from his busy schedule to ride Duke of Gloucester Street and mingle with the tourists. In the top photo, he assisted a young boy with his "Flat Stanley" Project, in which a paper doll of the child is sent to someone to visit various spots or visits with the child to have his picture taken with the intention of the children learning about the visited areas. It is based on a popular children's book, "Flat Stanley" by Jeff Brown. Flat Stanley is being held in the rider's left hand on the first photo. They attached him to a paint stick to make it easier to hold him for photographs.
Tradition, memories...
Beautiful horse; wonderfully costumed man riding the horse. The Flat Stanley project is a good one.