February 23, 2011

Out Of Step Military Drill, Colonial Williamsburg, Williamsburg, Virginia

It is not unusual to see costumed military personnel drilling on the parade grounds or at the armory in Colonial Williamsburg. In fact, they do so in large numbers on a daily basis to entertain the tourists. This session was a little odd in that it was in an alley off of Duke of Gloucester Street and included one member wearing a purple hoody, jeans and sneakers rather than standard military attire. Colonial Williamsburg is usually very particular about being properly attired unless the lady in purple is a guest who paid for the privilege.  Irrespective, they loaded, simulated firing, fixed bayonets and marched off down the street.


  1. Wonerfull and elegant photos on your blog....I'll be following each day news from Williamsburg!

  2. Interesting capture!

  3. Hmmm! Odd, indeed! Maybe she paid or maybe they were training her? But would a woman actually do that? It would most certainly be men, right?

    Thanks so much for your comments... if you have any old barn pics from your area, feel free to post it & link up on my page Monday evening around 7EST/6CST - We'd love to have ya & the history in your neck of the woods is amazingly interesting... =)

  4. Hi! So glad you stopped by today! Thanks! This is an interesting series of photos. I'll just be she had a grand time playing her role. Looks as though she was keeping right up. ~karen

  5. Do they always start marching on the left foot?
    Left, right, left, right, left.....

  6. It was a training session get over it.
