February 13, 2011

Yorktown Beach and The Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Yorktown, Virginia

The Yorktown beach is quiet and empty except for some sunbathing.  The large building across the York River at Gloucester Point is the Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS), part of the graduate school of the College of William and Mary.  The fellow swimming alone with his reflection  in the bottom photo does not seem to care if he is part of their study or not.


  1. Wonderful slow moving water waves and scenery..

  2. wow... can't wait to stroll in the beach. can't wait for spring and summer.

  3. The internet is being persnickety today! It won't let me leave a comment on your most recent post! This is a lovely photo of the shoreline! The old house in today's posts is so pretty, so simple. I love to go to the old villages in Massachusetts and gaze at the colonial homes that still stand. ~karen

  4. AnonymousJuly 24, 2011

    Yorktown beach has changed....its used to be quiet and serene...hopefully this was for some annual event and not how things are now.
