March 2, 2011

Crime And Punishment In Colonial Williamsburg, Williamsburg, Virginia

The public stocks and pillory are popular attractions in Colonial Williamsburg.  Crime in colonial times was not tolerated and punishment was swift, public and severe. The stocks is the punishment where you sit on a board with your feet through the restraining device while the pillory is the device where you stand with your hands and head through the holes. Common punishments for theft and other misdemeanors included whipping, fines, and some time in the pillory or stocks in full view of your neighbors.  Depending on the offense, the person's ears could be nailed to the pillory board or, at times, branding was used to identify certain criminals and their crimes. A thief could have his hand burned with a "T" to forewarn the general public of his proclivity. So, it's fun today but then, not so much.


  1. Very painful to even imagine.

  2. The public humiliation was, I think< the worst of all.

  3. Ouch, ouch, ouch!!! The thoguht of those punishments would definitely be enough to keep me on the straight and narrow!

  4. rough justice..still to be found in some parts of the world
