March 6, 2011

Little Tourist On Duke of Gloucester Street, Colonial Williamsburg, Williamsburg, Virginia

Auto traffic is not normally allowed on Duke of Gloucester Street during the day except for special events at Bruton Parish Church. That makes it an ideal place for kids to romp and play.  This little girl was taking her father in every possible direction while she explored each nook and cranny.


  1. hi darryl and ruth! thanks for commenting on farm tails. love your pics as always. i remember in the 90's i took mom and dad to williamsburg and it was so much fun. need to get back soon! did you ever notice the architecture on your header photo? the cupola doesn't line up and is off center. strange...the spacing between the windows is off too. wonder why they built it that way...comment back on farm tails if you have any ideas...

  2. Isn't she darling! Wonderful pictures!! Wishing you a grand day! Cathy
